Data store handlers not working in pages other than the start page


 I am trying to create a hybrid agent in Dialogflow CX using data store handlers. I am getting responses when the data store handler is located on the start page but not getting any responses when the handler is in a different page, even after using proper intents and routes to transition to the specific page.

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so when you are on a page, you will the user need to say something that triggers the data store. here is the order of evaluation:


You can check the grounding level too:



let me know if that works!



I have a separate page called Google Products which has the data store. The start page has a route  that directs user's questions relating to Google products. Now when I reach the Google Products  page how do I trigger the data store?Screenshot 2024-03-26 230022.png

Also, the grounding level by default is the same as you have mentioned

Screenshot 2024-03-26 230201.png

Hi @atanu585 ,

with your design, it is a 2 step process for the user. First, the user need to say something to do the transition to Google products page. Then after transition the user need to say something related to google products to hit the data store. Probably you can remove the transition step and just add the data store handler in the start page!

In this video I did has an example of the google products store: (there is a demo)



@xavidop Thank you for your reply. I actually referred to the video and took inspiration to make a demo agent. In my final flow design I will have multiple data stores, which is why I wanted to have multiple pages with data stores and redirect from the start page to one of the pages based on user's question. Even with the current design of the flow, the agent does not respond even if I repeat the questions.

Screenshot 2024-03-27 105102.png


Do have any suggestions on how to design the flow so that the agent can provide responses.

can you make sure that the data store is linked to the handler?

Yes it is

Screenshot 2024-03-27 113539.png

okay, is the data store fully indexed? also, does the data store include information about pixel 7? and one last thing, can you check the logs in the simulator that the data store is not being hit. this is the icon



This is the output log.

"advancedSettings": {
"loggingSettings": {
"disableLogging": true
"currentFlow": {
"displayName": "Default Start Flow",
"name": "projects/noww-d5ce2/locations/global/agents/05382bf6-ae5b-4251-a4cb-0e7b58b31503/flows/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"currentPage": {
"displayName": "get google products info",
"name": "projects/noww-d5ce2/locations/global/agents/05382bf6-ae5b-4251-a4cb-0e7b58b31503/flows/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/pages/68e3ca76-b85f-4a7b-8305-8457e7b836f7"
"diagnosticInfo": {
"Session Id": "e0d4c0-00b-fbb-b86-6c9ba7885",
"Execution Sequence": [
"Step 1": {
"InitialState": {
"FlowState": {
"PageState": {
"Status": "ENTERING_PAGE",
"Name": "Start Page",
"PageId": "START_PAGE"
"Version": 0,
"Name": "Default Start Flow",
"FlowId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"MatchedIntent": {
"Id": "5aecf724-8a0e-42d0-9e65-d133ae5aac66",
"DisplayName": "Google products",
"Active": true,
"Type": "NLU",
"Score": 1
"Step 2": {
"StateMachine": {
"FlowState": {
"Name": "Default Start Flow",
"Version": 0,
"FlowId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"PageState": {
"Name": "Start Page",
"PageId": "START_PAGE",
"TriggeredIntent": "Google products",
"TriggeredTransitionRouteId": "79abe640-29ad-42d8-b1ab-b2dc844ed75a",
"TargetPage": "68e3ca76-b85f-4a7b-8305-8457e7b836f7",
"FlowLevelTransition": true
"FunctionExecution": {},
"Step 3": {
"StateMachine": {
"FlowState": {
"PageState": {
"Name": "get google products info",
"PageId": "68e3ca76-b85f-4a7b-8305-8457e7b836f7",
"FormFilled": true
"Version": 0,
"Name": "Default Start Flow",
"FlowId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
"Alternative Matched Intents": [
"Type": "NLU",
"Score": 1,
"Id": "5aecf724-8a0e-42d0-9e65-d133ae5aac66",
"Active": true,
"DisplayName": "Google products"
"Triggered Transition Names": [
"Response Id": "a3cfba78-da3a-41c6-abdd-b0d06bc384e8",
"Transition Targets Chain": [
"TargetPage": "68e3ca76-b85f-4a7b-8305-8457e7b836f7"
"generativeInfo": {
"actionTracingInfo": {
"actions": [
"userUtterance": {
"text": "How long does the battery in the Pixel 7 Pro last?"
"conversationState": "OUTPUT_STATE_PENDING",
"name": "projects/noww-d5ce2/locations/global/agents/05382bf6-ae5b-4251-a4cb-0e7b58b31503/playbooks/-/examples/-"
"intent": {
"displayName": "Google products",
"name": "projects/noww-d5ce2/locations/global/agents/05382bf6-ae5b-4251-a4cb-0e7b58b31503/intents/5aecf724-8a0e-42d0-9e65-d133ae5aac66"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"languageCode": "en",
"match": {
"confidence": 1,
"intent": {
"description": "This intent will redirect to the Google Products page",
"displayName": "Google products",
"name": "projects/noww-d5ce2/locations/global/agents/05382bf6-ae5b-4251-a4cb-0e7b58b31503/intents/5aecf724-8a0e-42d0-9e65-d133ae5aac66"
"matchType": "INTENT",
"resolvedInput": "How long does the battery in the Pixel 7 Pro last?"
"text": "How long does the battery in the Pixel 7 Pro last?"

I think the data store is fully indexed

Screenshot 2024-03-27 114545.png

The data store I am using is the same one that you used in the session for the demo and and the codelab. So, it does have information about Pixel Pro 7

I am not sure, it looks good. can you show me your transition route to the second page?



This is the transition route:

Screenshot 2024-03-27 120755.pngScreenshot 2024-03-27 120819.png

These are the training phrases of the intent

Screenshot 2024-03-27 120949.png


that is the issue, the intent phrases are wrong. intent phrases should be something like:

show me information about Google products

you are adding things from the data store in the intent and that is completely wrong.

I will highly recommend to take a look to what an intent is and which utterances you should add there from the conversation design persepctive

Ok thank you for pointing that out. I will definitely change my intent phrases. But even with the intents that I currently have, the intent matching and the transition is still happening. I may be wrong, but shouldn't that be enough to trigger the data store?

Yeah but I think the engine is just getiing crazy. Try to change the intent phrases and we will see this running!


Try to put you different datastores on the first page in subflows, it's working for me.