Error opening spreadsheet in google ai studio with new tune feature

No matters what format: csv, xls, xlsx, json, jsonl - I get @"Error opening spreadsheet" when trying new feature "New tuned model".





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It seems like you're encountering an error while trying to open a spreadsheet file with a new feature called "New tuned model." Without more context, it's difficult to provide a specific solution. However, here are some general troubleshooting steps you can try:

Check File Compatibility: Ensure that the file format you're using (CSV, XLS, XLSX, JSON, JSONL) is compatible with the feature you're trying to use. Sometimes, certain features might only support specific file formats.

Verify File Integrity: Make sure that the file you're trying to open is not corrupted. Try opening it with a different application or text editor to see if it opens properly.

Update Software: If you're using specialized software or a specific tool to access this feature, ensure that it's up-to-date. Sometimes, compatibility issues can arise due to outdated software.

Review Error Messages: If you're getting an error message like "Error opening spreadsheet," try to gather more information from the error message. It might provide clues as to what's causing the issue.

Okay even I got the same issue, I was looking at the network log when I found out the frontend does an API get request at

the request gets rejected with an error 400 with the following message

"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",

That's the only error that was caught during the file upload and the appearance of the frontend's error message

Hello, I have the same issue as you: "Error opening spreadsheet". Have you managed to find a solution?

Hello, I've had the same issue for over 2 months now, and it's still not solved!

@Poala_Tenorio please look into this