Generative fallback: Dialogflow CX

I am trying to set up my generative fallback in Dialogflow CX.  Based on my research,, It seems like this fallback will kick in at every fallback where I enable "generative fallback'.  I am having struggles as for the default flow, the Gen AI fallback works every time. But when it routes to another page due to an intent detected, if the question is not abled to be answered by the datastore on the second page, the gen AI fallback does not work.  I have checked that the 'enable generative fallback' is clicked for both the start and the second page. Still, no response is produced for the second page for a no-match

Any thoughts on how to fix this and apply the Gen AI fallback for all page's?

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Hi Ian,

I would suggest option number a. it is easier to implement and easier to scale. managing transition on CX is not easy and it could quite tedious when your agent becomes bigger.



View solution in original post


what is the event triggered on the second page? that will help me to understand the issue.



It correctly routes to the according page.  I see in the original response that the intentDetetectionConfidence is around 0.9, but no response is produced from the datastore connected to that page.  So I guess its not that the no-match event is not being triggered, but when it's not triggered, no Gen AI response is produced


hi @Ian_Stack ,

When you are routing to a page, the data store cannot be hit. it is a 2 step process, first you transition, then the user says something and the data store is hit.

hopefully this makes sense to you,



Hello Xavi, 

That makes sense, does that mean I have to insert some context into the Entry fulfillment of the second page, like "Hello how can I help you?".  Or should I add context into the fulfillment of the route that leads into the second page?  Also, when I did this the, agent would just repeat that context over and over when I talked to the Agent.  Also, the generative fallback still doesn't kick in to the second page.  Just no response from the agent.  

Do you have an example of utilizing generative fallback on more than one page?  Secondly, I am struggling in writing the prompt for the generative fallback, any advice where I can find more examples?

Hi Ian,

basically when you transition you have to say something to the user so the user can send a request like:

User: I need some info --> you transition here

agent: okay, what do you want?

user: I need XYZ --> this will hit the data store

make sure that you link the data store in the data store handler and also make sure that you are not hitting the no-match event.

Instead of having 3 steps. User: 'i need info on how to install ..." , agent: 'how can i help' , user: 'I need info on how to install..."  I want to reduce the amount of times the user repeats their question.  Could I
a. add the datastore on every state handler as I am trying to create a fully gen AI agent?
b. Have it route back to the start page somehow after user asks general question?  

I have a few intents where if the user asks about going to a live agent or buying something, I want a hard code answer, 'go here for more information/to speak to a live agent'.  After routing to the 'live agent' page, it stays on that page when user asks further question. I am struggling to route users back to the start page where I have the orginal datastore connected. 

Hi Ian,

I would suggest option number a. it is easier to implement and easier to scale. managing transition on CX is not easy and it could quite tedious when your agent becomes bigger.

