How to play the character information in dialogflow CX ? I want to play the uppercase/lowercase info

Hi all ,
I am to trying to read out the upper case / lower case information while reading  out the username to the end user .
I've tried :  <say-as interpret-as="characters" format="glyphs">Jö_4 2</say-as> 
but this glyphs attribute doesn't seem to work on df

please let me know if there is any other way to do it.
All the help is appreciated

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Looking at the documentation I think there is not an way of reading out upper case / lower case:



Thanks Xavi ,
It seems like DF CX does not fully support the format attribute ,

The above tag I that I tried I took it from here :
but seems like this doesn't work

yeah, Dialogflow CX uses Google TTS so this is all you can use:

Im sorry!


Sure , Thanks for the help though !