Text-to-Speech Hyphenated Words getting 0 Timestamp

I have this simple sentence:


"Once upon a time in the quiet village of Elmdale, lived a 7-year-old."


And to get each word timestamped I create this SSML:


<speak> <mark name="1 Once"/>Once <mark name="2 upon"/>upon <mark name="3 a"/>a <mark name="4 time"/>time <mark name="5 in"/>in <mark name="6 the"/>the <mark name="7 quiet"/>quiet <mark name="8 village"/>village <mark name="9 of"/>of <mark name="10 Elmdale,"/>Elmdale, <mark name="11 lived"/>lived <mark name="12 a"/>a <mark name="13 7-year-old."/>7-year-old. </speak>


The results I keep getting back are:


{ timeSeconds: 0, markName: '13 7-year-old.' },
{ timeSeconds: 0.039887867867946625, markName: '1 Once' },
{ timeSeconds: 0.3389071524143219, markName: '2 upon' },
{ timeSeconds: 0.6277555823326111, markName: '3 a' },
{ timeSeconds: 0.7206619381904602, markName: '4 time' },
{ timeSeconds: 1.0438523292541504, markName: '5 in' },
{ timeSeconds: 1.1475272178649902, markName: '6 the' },
{ timeSeconds: 1.220619559288025, markName: '7 quiet' },
{ timeSeconds: 1.6282528638839722, markName: '8 village' },
{ timeSeconds: 1.9669618606567383, markName: '9 of' },
{ timeSeconds: 2.0707359313964844, markName: '10 Elmdale,' },
{ timeSeconds: 2.9641265869140625, markName: '11 lived' },
{ timeSeconds: 3.2229373455047607, markName: '12 a' }



Any suggestions?
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Hello Davidarice, 


SSML has the special attribute say-as for the Hyphenated words, You can use to get the right results. For further more other special meaing for hyphenated  words you can refer below.


Thansk in advance.

Hi Sreeganesh,

The main issue is more to do with the fact that I'm losing the timestamp completely with <mark name>, when there is a hyphenated string. The time stamp is starting out at 0, when it should be at the end of the chain (3.22 + seconds). Any thoughts on how this can be resolved?