What is the proper way to batch update large amount of products to Retail Search hourly?

We have about 34 millions of products in total.

Our initial design is ETL the products from source database to BigQuery hourly, and make a import request via Retail API with ReconciliationMode set to "FULL" every hour.

But the import operation seems will process longer than an hour, my consierations are:

1. What will happen when I have multiple import operations to the data catalog with ReconciliationMode set to "FULL" at the same time ? Is it possible that my product data will be updated out of order?

2. How long will the newly created product be searchable ? 

3. It there a better way to batch update data catalog hourly ?

We are evaluating if Retail is suitable for our e-commerce search, looking forward to the answer.

Thank you.  

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