When has europe access to PALM and Makersuite

So many resources point to there https://developers.generativeai.google/ to get your account and start.

and even if you manage to create that account and api key (which is possible somehow) - but later, you get API failures because region is not supported

API response
"message": "User location is not supported for the API use.",

Almost whole world can access the API, but europe still no access?
when do you plan to roll it out? in like 2030 ?

have the feeling so many products not coming to europe/switzerland. whats the problem?

1 6 3,674

depending and I don't know maybe until the europe organizations check and reply with the results or not.

Hi @Donneker

Welcome and thank you for reaching out to our community.

We appreciate your interest with PALM API and MakerSuite but unfortunately there are no updates yet as to when it will be available across europe. Google is still working on expanding the regional availability of these services,  however, you can always check in this document to confirm the current supported languages and regions for MakerSuite and PaLM API.

Hope this helps.



Hi @lsolatorio , is it to do with European regulation such as GDPR etc.?

I wasted 3 hours before I found this post - it would be helpful if the error message gave the reason why we are not being allowed to use MakerSuite

The year 2023 only has a few days left, and we sill doesn't have access here in Germany.
Very sad 😞

It is April - 2024 and still no access from Germany