generative agent playbook not answering for any query from datastore(html)

Building a genplaybook Agent and connected datastore using tool.

Datastore contains all past Jira related data in html format for our jira project which i need LLM to summarize in particular template when query is asked to the agent.

When making query to summarize a particular Jira on template provided configured, the response is always sorry cant answer.

Am i doing any basic mistake?

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hi @kpawan ,

have you added the examples in the playbook?


Piyush Garg

Thanks for your reply!

So example is mandatory to work for a simple query to answer? I am aware that example will help to train the agent and response handling for different intent of questions.

In my case even simple query is not getting answered so need if i am doing any basic mistakes. While checking the snippet output its empty so any way to check why the request to query got empty snippet response, where can this be checked?

Hi @kpawan ,

If you are using tools you need to give an example when this particular tool is triggers then only the playbook knows when to trigger the tool so please add the examples 


Piyush Garg

I provided the example as well and sometimes it says sorry can't find the answer and sometimes gives the same response that I added in the example and it for most of the query.

The issue i guess, the request is not reaching to datastore as you can see in snapshot output snippet is null. AFAIK Example will only help to represent the response of snippet output based on how it was defined in example for a particular query. This is my understanding, i may be wrong. snippet_output_null.jpg