sshfs does not seem to work in Colab Enterprise notebook

I've been trying to use `sshfs` to connect a notebook running in Colab Enterprise to my local machine (running an ssh server) and mount a local directory into the remote notebook runtime. But I get the error `fuse: mount failed: Permission denied` even before the SSH connection is even attempted. I'm running as root, connecting to the SSH server as another user (i.e. `sshfs someuser@ip `), and my mount point (in the notebook runtime) exists and is owned by root. What could be happening here ?

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Hi @FreshLaptop

Welcome and thank you for reaching out to our community.

I understand that you are unable to mount FUSE in your Colab instance. Unfortunately that is expected to happen because Colab does not support FUSE at the moment. The good news is, there has been an internal request triggered by your StackOverflow post but development is still in progress and there have been no final updates/ solutions provided yet.

Surely both  this and your other post will be updated and a document will be released once available.

Hi, any updates regarding this?