Apigee Connector Integration (Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL)

We're asked about connecting to Cloud SQL and fetch/update table in DB capabilities in Apigee X [Apigee X --> Cloud SQL].

Basically requirement is Apigee to connect to Cloud SQL and fetch/update table.

I see it is possible looking at:
1. Create a DB connector: https://cloud.google.com/integration-connectors/docs/connectors/cloudsqlforpostgresql/configure
2. Create and publish an integration with an API Trigger (uses the connector from step 1): https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/integration/getting-started-apigee-integration
3. Create an Apigee Integration target proxy (uses the integration from step 2): https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/integration/getting-started-apigee-target-endpoint

Is my understanding correct?
1. Could you please help to add if I'm missing anything
2. Any working example on Git/Youtube would immensely help


@kurtkanaskie @dchiesa1 @Sai Saran Vaidyanathan
@dknezic @ganadurai @Harish123 @Manisha_Chennu 

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Hi @shrenikkumar-s - Have you seen this tutorial? It's a step by step guide on how to perform CRUD operations on a MySQL database using App Integration. I think this will be helpful for you with steps 1 & 2.

Hi @markjkelly , CRUD operations are working fine as per above Tutorial.  Integration Platform/connectors are not yet available in Apigee it is available as add on service for subscription https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/integration/enable-integrations-addon.  So we are trying to do it using Extension Callout policies i.e., using Java to connect MYSQL Database and perform CRUD operation. would be Thankful if we get any help on this.

Hi @Harish123 ,

This has been asked a few times before, I'll add some links below. But to summarize, connecting directly to a database from Apigee (via JDBC for example) is generally not recommended. The recommended approach is to have another service do the JDBC work. Maybe use App Engine or Cloud Run or something similar. Then connect from Apigee to that service. Apigee is not intended to be a general purpose application server.



Regarding using Apigee with Application Integration, I don't know the exact ins and outs of your current Apigee setup and licensing model so I can't really comment, but I would encourage you to reach out to your account team to discuss this further and understand your options fully. From a technical perspective it's certainly possible to connect Apigee with Application Integration today to solve this problem.