Apigee Emulator: Apigee Debug / Trace functionality: Local Development in VS Code

Hi, dearest Apigee community,

Apigee Emulator: Apigee Debug / Trace functionality: Local Development in VS Code.

I'm able to use Apigee Emulator https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/local-development/overview 

However, I could not find Apigee's "Debug / Trace" functionality inside Apigee Emulator & VS Code's plugin for Apigee Local Development.

Could someone share any ideas on how to solve this case or maybe there are known workarounds, please?

thanks, best regards, 



I also want to do this. why there are no response here? Is this not a feature of local development?

The debug session will be pretty helpful, I am pretty sure it must be available in emulator. Google Team, could you please provide any information?

Are there any news on that?

I can see the debug-trace as "supported features" within the running apigee emulator, but i couldn't find any references. Do the references anywhere exists?

Surprisingly, debug feature is not yet supported for the local development 🤔

The feature is requested here.
Currently I tried beta mode of this feature, by adding following configuration option to user settings
cloudcode.beta.enableApigeeTrace: true

It does the basic job... such as Request Trace, checking Variables Set/Read, etc, but print statements still are not supported (as of Oct 2023).
I personally found this beta feature buggy and not stable (stops responding after some successful attempts, and entire VSCode and emulator's docker container restart is required to get it working again)

@lokesh-rajwani Any updates on the feature for tracing? Where exactly in the settings json do you add this feature? I'd like to at least try the beta ApigeeTrace. Thank you!

Ignore my request, I was able to review the documentation using the feature link above and find everything I needed. I've enabled it for my local apigee sessions. Thanks again!


With a bit of patience I was able to get the VS Code Apigee emulator working soups to nuts. @lokesh-rajwani Tracing is a bit limited but nevertheless better than nothing! It is early in our project and we currently only have a sandbox on-prem Apigee instance that is acting up right now. In down time I imported everything and was able to connect and make everything work via my container. I'm using emulator image 1.11.0 and have not crashed it or had any issues. Yay!