Certificate chain length

Hi @dchiesa1 

Im trying to connect to an nginx server as target in a proxy,but Im getting below error.

error.cause  The certificate chain length(11) exceeds the maximum allowed length(10).

What is this issue about? and how to resolve. Is there any limit for cerficate chain length which can be sent by target? if so where is it specified?

Also as per docs, apigee doesnt implicitly verify server cert unless its  stored in a trustore. Then why the error?

0 2 477

Happy New Year.

Why does this certificate have such a long chain? Can you assess the need for all the intermediate certificates and work with your PKI team to create a shorter chain that still maintains trust? I've never seen a chain of 11 certificates before, and such a length can sometimes introduce security vulnerabilities and increase maintenance overhead for the intermediate certificates. I'm not sure if there's any documentation on recommended chain lengths, but it might be helpful to open a case with Apigee support for guidance.

Hey somdev

The error message is clear enough: the maximum allowed length of the certificate chain of an authenticating peer, is 10.

Reading a bit more about this, this error comes from the Java runtime (which Apigee uses). Per this comment on a Stackoverflow thread, the error message is the result of some validation being performed by Java, described here.

What is this issue about?

The Java runtime that Apigee relies on is checking the certificate chain that is being sent by the upstream system - upstream to Apigee. In your cases that is the nginx endpoint. Apigee is finding that the certificate list that gets sent back, exceeds 10 certificates. The Apigee runtime (based on Java) is rejecting the TLS handshake for that reason.

and how to resolve.

You need to correct the configuration for the nginx endpoint. Most certificate chains are of length 3 or 4. As API-Evangelist has said, It would be extraordinary to have a chain of trust that is more than 10 certificates in length. So I suppose that you have an incorrectly-configured nginx that is sending too many certificates, probably including some irrelevant certificates, in its ServerHello message during the TLS handshake. You need to correct the configuration of the nginx server to resolve this problem.

If you are not clear what the nginx endpoint is sending back, you can use the openssl tool to interrogate it, to see the chain it sends back. Something like this:


openssl s_client -connect ${TARGETHOST}:443 -showcerts


If the nginx endpoint is using SNI, then you need something like this:


openssl s_client -connect ${TARGETHOST}:443 -servername ${TARGETHOST} -showcerts


Is there any limit for cerficate chain length which can be sent by target? if so where is it specified?

Yes, the limit is 10. It's not changeable in Apigee.