Error deploying Api proxy

API proxy not  deployed properly . 
- On UI getting below error :
Error in deployment {env}
Revision is deployed but traffic cannot flow . 

Tried to remove the object manually : 
From UI :  Not working
from CMD : getting Undeployed error : 
 Plz help 

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Sorry you're seeing that problem. That's frustrating. The information in the UI is not very helpful, sometimes.

Which means it's difficult to diagnose the problem.

When I have this kind of problem I run my API proxy through apigeelint, to see if there is a problem with the configuration. Apigeelint can find and flag some errors with better information that you would get from the UI, in some cases.

Just today I had a similar problem. Using apigeecli, I imported an API Proxy bundle. that worked. Then using the same tool, I tried to deploy it. That failed with "Error" .

$ apigeecli apis deploy --wait --name ${PWD##*/} --ovr --org $ORG --env $ENV --token $TOKEN

Proxy deployment failed with status:  ERROR

The UI was not super helpful: 


Running apigeelint helped me solve the mystery:


It turned out I had an errant element in my RouteRule.  Fixing that allowed the proxy to deploy correctly. 

Maybe apigeelint will be able to help point you in the right direction, too.