bundle conatins error

Hello ,

I am new to apigee platform . I created a policy and added a quota policy and tested works fine .

I have exported the proxy as zip to my windows local and chnage the quota policy instaed of 2 request per 1 min to 3 request per 1 min and ziped the folder and uploaded but on apigee x UI its throwing bundle conatins error . On doing inspect its throwing below error .

Please help how to fix this .Below is the error


"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "bundle contains errors",
"details": [
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/edge.configstore.bundle.BadBundle",
"violations": [
"filename": "books_rev5_2023_12_30/apiproxy/books.xml",
"description": "zip entry in bundle has invalid path"
"filename": "books_rev5_2023_12_30/apiproxy/policies/Response-Cache-2.xml",
"description": "zip entry in bundle has invalid path"
"filename": "books_rev5_2023_12_30/apiproxy/proxies/default.xml",
"description": "zip entry in bundle has invalid path"
"filename": "books_rev5_2023_12_30/apiproxy/targets/default.xml",
"description": "zip entry in bundle has invalid path"
"description": "The proxy must contain a ProxyEndpoint"
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.RequestInfo",
"requestId": "15362946788284545236"

Thanks in Advance

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@amitmohanty88 could you please attach the bundle?

You should be compressing the apiproxy directory, not its parent directory.