Google Cloud Certified Swag

I passed the Google Cloud Professional Collaboration Engineer (now Professional Google Workspace Administrator) exam last November, 2021. I got word from my colleagues that it comes with some Google Cloud Certified Swag, but I can't find any details on how to claim it as part of my certification benefits. Please advise.

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

You should've gotten an email titled "Congratulations: You are Google Cloud Certified" and in it there should be something that says:

To thank you for supporting the Google Cloud certification program and congratulate you on your achievement, here's a piece of Google Cloud certification merchandise on us. Simply go to our Google Cloud Certification Perks Webstore and enter the following code: a1b2c3d4e5 (*Products are subject to availability and may be discontinued without notice.)


Obviously, that code I put is fake, but you'll have a valid one.   Go to the URL, enter your unique code and it should bring you to a store where you'll have a 2-3 different types of certified gear to choose from.

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

You should've gotten an email titled "Congratulations: You are Google Cloud Certified" and in it there should be something that says:

To thank you for supporting the Google Cloud certification program and congratulate you on your achievement, here's a piece of Google Cloud certification merchandise on us. Simply go to our Google Cloud Certification Perks Webstore and enter the following code: a1b2c3d4e5 (*Products are subject to availability and may be discontinued without notice.)


Obviously, that code I put is fake, but you'll have a valid one.   Go to the URL, enter your unique code and it should bring you to a store where you'll have a 2-3 different types of certified gear to choose from.

Thanks. I had some issues receiving that congratulatory email it got delivered to my previous work email even though it was not even listed in my Webassessor profile. Got my access to the certification site early on via submitting a support request to change the primary email for the profile. I wasn't aware that the code is included in that congratulatory email and did not bother to request that it be resent to the correct email address until I did some further research. I was able to submit a support request to resend the email a couple of weeks ago and I got the original email forwarded to my personal email after a week. Now, waiting in line to claim my perks, the Perks Webstore says they're experiencing delays of 12-14 weeks. I do hope that the code has no expiration.

Hello Glen,

Any way of tracking the order status.

It really varies.  And kinda depends where the swag is coming out from.  Mostly, I've gotten an email to notified me it's shipped and there's a link to track the package.  Most took ~2-3 months from the time I ordered until it arrived (I'm in Toronto, Canada).  But recently I've also gotten some < 1 month and I didn't even get an email notification (I'm inclined to believe that maybe these were shipped out of North America). 


If this is your first Google certification, you're gonna be anxious to receive the swag, but I have 10x + some recertifications so I don't really think about it anymore.  It'll arrive when it arrives.  But it has always arrived.

same issue


I also recently got my Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect certification but did not receive any email with the Google Cloud certification merchandise code. Could you please help me?

Did you get the official email from Google telling you you're certified?  I know at the end of the exams the tell you whether you passed or not, but that's to be confirmed by Google which takes up to 5 business days, and until they do, it's not official.  As per my initial response in this thread, a link to the perks webstore and code will be in the email.

i have cleared google cloud proffessional cloud devops engineer certification but there is no option to claim the swag.can i get my swag ??

thanks for this detailed explanation but I’m wondering how to get the swag because I didn’t receive the swag discount in my congratulations email. 

Hey everyone! I asked this question from support, this is the answer:

"Please be informed that perk code is available on Certmetrics. You might have received an email with the subject line "Your new Google Cloud certification account." This email will contain instructions on how to log in to your new account. From this new account, you can access Accredible and your digital credentials. 

To find the perk code, click on "Benefits" in the bottom left corner of the page. This will open a dropdown menu, where you can click on "My Benefits." From there, you can claim your perk code.