DataPrep connectivity issue with Composer

I am trying to schedule a data prep flow using composer. I have provided recipe_id/output_id and token_bearer. However I am getting following error-


{    "name": "DataNotFoundException",

  "message": "Requested data was not found",

  "details": "This dataset could not be found."



Can someone help on this?

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To troubleshoot the issue further, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Verify dataset existence: Check the dataset catalog or data storage where your datasets are stored to ensure that the dataset you are trying to access is present and accessible.

  2. Check dataset metadata: Review the metadata associated with the dataset to ensure it contains the expected information, such as the correct ID or name.

  3. Review logs and error messages: Check the logs and any additional error messages or stack traces provided to identify any other potential issues or dependencies that could be causing the dataset not to be found.