Connect Specific Persistent Disk to Specific Cloud Workstation

Hello folks,

I am trying to determine if there is a way to disconnect a specific persistent disk from one Workstation and connect it to another.

My specific use case is that I'm trying to workaround frequent Operation timed out (ZONE_RESOURCE_POOL_EXHAUSTED) errors when starting Cloud Workstations, but I can also envision any number of use cases where this would make sense.

In my specific case, I'm currently unable to start workstation-tim-1, so I would like to try to start a different workstation instance (e.g. workstation-cheap-fallback or workstation-big-honkin-machine) but would like the same home directory contents. 


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Hello TimJohns,

I believe there is no feature yet available in Google Cloud Platform. What I can recommend for your concern is creating a scheduled snapshot as a backup copy of your instance and use it in case you encounter (ZONE_RESOURCE_POOL_EXHAUSTED) errors.