App Engine Adding custom domain verification failed despite main site ownership verified

Hello !

I am trying to veryfy a subdomain to configure a server side GTM container.


The property is verified on the search console


However when I click refresh domain, I still get "Your domain hasn't been verified yet. Finish all the steps in Search Console  and then return to this page."

If I remove the property and start again, it is automatically verified as the main domain is also verified.

But there are no changes in the custom domain section. i cannot configure it to accept my A and AAAA records

What can I do here?



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Well, I've found a workaround: 

1. Add another email account as project owner in GCP IAM to the project where your GAE resides. (an account which doesn't have your main domain verified in Google Search Console).

2. Login with this new user to the project and add the subdomain to your GAE. This will require the new project owner to verify the subdomain in Google Search Console by actually having to add a TXT DNS record. (instead of being 'auto-verified' for being a subdomain of an already verified domain).

3. Then go back to GAE and the subdomain will be available (at least it was for me).

Good luck.

View solution in original post


Hi @svassaux ,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

Below are helpful links which will help you with regards to adding and verifying custom domains in App Engine. Make sure you follow the steps provided accordingly.

  • If your domain is already verified, the domain opens in the Select the domain you want to use section. Select the domain from the drop-down menu and click Continue.
  • If the domain you want to use is not listed:
    1. Select Verify a new domain from the menu .
    2. Enter your domain name (such as “”).
    3. Click Verify.
    4. Enter information in the Webmaster Central window that opens. For help with using Webmaster Central, go to Webmaster Central help.
    5. Return to the Add a new custom domain page in the Google Cloud Console.

If you run or looping into the same problem, you might want to seek assistance from Google Cloud Support, as they can provide more specific guidance based on your setup.

I have this issue also - cloud console says my domain was auto-verified yet it is unavailable on GAE 

Hi Anjelisa, do you know if there is a fix for this yet? It is clearly a bug on the platform 



can you see there is an obvious bug given the number of people facing the same issue? can you look into it?

@anjelisa as you can see, other people have the same issue

as you can see here, shay zalman got this error too :

and as you can see on my linkedin feed (see capture), Sertac had the same error



We are now at least 4 people with the same error and we cannot get help from google support because it requires a dedicated plan. However it's not standard support, it's a bug with app engine as you can see on stackoverflow my domain is already verified.

Can you help further / not send another doc we already went through?

This is really unacceptable considering the amount GAE charge. @svassaux I think i am having some luck using gcloud command: 

gcloud app domain-mappings create '' --certificate-management=AUTOMATIC

thanks for trying to help!
unfortunately it does not create the A and AAA records, only the CNAME; so I'm stuck with my problem, data won't be forwarded to my provisioned server

You have to create the A records yourself

I'm not talking about creating the A records on my DNS zone but on having google set up the ssl

on one project it has done it



on the one I am referring to, it would not.

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

I am also having this issue. Is there not a fix yet? 

still not! don't hesitate to upvote and make some noise 😄

Hey Google, I'm having this exact issue. I'm stuck with a deadline. Will I have to find an alternate hosting solution and move away from GAE (which is getting the highest billing among all the services we're using?)


Well, I've found a workaround: 

1. Add another email account as project owner in GCP IAM to the project where your GAE resides. (an account which doesn't have your main domain verified in Google Search Console).

2. Login with this new user to the project and add the subdomain to your GAE. This will require the new project owner to verify the subdomain in Google Search Console by actually having to add a TXT DNS record. (instead of being 'auto-verified' for being a subdomain of an already verified domain).

3. Then go back to GAE and the subdomain will be available (at least it was for me).

Good luck.

thanks for your feedback!

For some additional info... From what I have seen, if your domain was originally verified in GSC as a "Domain" property, it will be in the pre-approved list. If it's an old domain, it was likely verified using the "URL prefix" method. So if you then try to add a new sub-domain, it won't validate, as a sub-domain is a separate property under this method.

This isn't necessarily a bug, but poor documentation and using GSC to verify (would be easier to skip a step and manually verify with a txt record in GCP). To fix, you need to validate a new sub-domain i.e., get the txt record and apply via your domain registrar, then attempt to revalidate in GSC, then again in GCP.

Unfortunately the option to validate via a TXT record is not suggested since it's already validated via GSC

hence it's a bug

Verify the root e.g

Map only the subdomain e.g

Update DNS records, A and AAAA only for the subdomain strictly.

press ok, wait 30 minutes, it will be successful


Now, if you already f**ked and you had verified the root domain, there's no way around this. Expect using another account as IAM user: Editor to same project and add the subdomain through there

Having this same issue, haven't been able to find a workaround yet either. If there is any update that would help a ton

I was able to get the root domain verified, however still am unable to verify any subdomains of it even using another google account.
I have checked with the DNS lookup and can confirm the subdomain has the google-verification tag in its TXT records, however it still is unable to find it for some reason.

Finally was able to get it to work by switching the "Instructions for" box to "Any DNS provider" instead of Cloudflare, and then pressing verify. Since the start, I had been putting in the code manually as the cloudflare helper would set it to the root domain no matter what (bug?), but even then verifying wouldn't work as long as cloudflare was set as the option.

You can get around this by selecting the domain verified property and then removing the root domain and others from the mappings offered and adding your subdomainScreenshot 2024-02-19 at 16.15.16.png