to claim my free Google Cloud swag for completing the Generative AI courses!

I am writing to inquire about the free swag campaign that was offered in collaboration with Udacity. I am excited to announce that I completed all of the Generative AI with Google Cloud courses between October 23rd and November 31st, 2023, and I am eligible for the free swag!

I have been eagerly awaiting an email from Google Cloud with instructions on how to redeem my swag, but I have not yet received one. Could you please provide me with more information on how to do so?

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same here I have completed all the courses but the email has not been received yet. can anyone tell us when we will get an email to redeem Google swag?

Manoj From 

Ocean of Gadgets | Sigma APK

You will receive email to redeem your swags if you are selected. 


This is my public profile

and I have completed Workspace administrator journey and Generative AI but still not received the email where I can redeem my swag gifts.

You will receive email to redeem your swags if you got selected. 


I have completed all necessary criteria like opt setting update in cloud skill profile, as well as add cloud community mail to inbox one for avoiding spam folder and also subscribed before 20th December still not getting email.

You will receive email to redeem your swags if you are shortlisted.