OS language

Hello, Dear

I wanna create an compute engine with windows server of Chinese language.  is it supported by GCP default VMs? I saw only default English OS is available when choose boot disk.  Thanks very much!!

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You can always use startup-script, which will change language either on Windows or Linux. AFAIK, there is no possibility to change language by default, as this is more attached to image. So if you don't have prepared golden image with specific language, you are not able to do it by default. You can also prepare Windows Server with all mandatory languages and packages and create image from that machine. It will be reusable within the project.


thanks for your reply!  what do you mean by startup-script? I don't mean to change the language setting within the English version of OS. but install an Chinese version OS. There're difference when running my specific application/service.

Seems like I should setup an VM image with Chinese OS myself. and there are some way to migrate to GCP?


Migrate: Yep, you can migrate existing VM into GCP, from onprem, AWS, Azure and Vmware. Check this url https://cloud.google.com/architecture/migrating-vms-migrate-for-compute-engine-getting-started
Dunno if this help, but it might be possible to import disk with VMDK or VHD extension to GCE and use them as golden image.



Startup script:  Startup scripts allows you to configure machine after OS is up and running. So, if you need for example start particular services in order or something, you can write either bash or powershell script and when VM is powered on, this script will be executed with root / admin permissions. Also, you can use shutdown scripts, which works exactly the same, but they are triggered when system is shutting down. 
