Transfer files from GS bucket to Filestore instance between different projects using Python client

I want to transfer files from GS bucket in a project A to a Filestore instance in a project B . My current approach is to run python client in a notebook in the project A and copy files to notebook's memory with gs client. Next I am streaming copied files from the notebook to a pod in project B which is mounted to Filestore.

Is there a way to stream files directly from gs bucket to a filestore instance between different projects?

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Hi @Wojciech2,

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

There are several ways to transfer objects from Cloud Storage on project A to Filestore on project B. 

You could also use Compute Engine VM to mount Filestore file share. You could follow this documentation for the steps.

You could also check this documentation on transferring large datasets from Cloud Storage to Filestore.

Hope this helps.