unable to launch a dataflow job using cloud scheduler


I am scheduling a job using http. I have provided the  url":"https://dataflow.googleapis.com/v1b3/projects/smart-integration-beam/locations/us-west1/templates:la..." and

the body ,

body ,  {
  "jobName": "inv-change",
  "parameters": {
    "region": "us-west1",
    "autoscalingAlgorithm": "THROUGHPUT_BASED"
  "environment": {
    "maxWorkers": "2",
    "tempLocation": "gs://smart-integration-beam-bucket/tmp",
    "zone": "us-west1"

in the url I am specifying the location where i have stored my template. The template runs successfully when i run it manually. It doesnt run with the cloud scheduler. The template is located in gs://smart-integration-beam-bucket/qbp-bruteforce-inventory-update.json. Target type http and request method is POST

The details about the error ,


Thank you



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