March into the Cloud with Arcade!

Feeling the urge to learn new skills this March? Your pixelated playground is waiting for you!

Level 1: Load Balancers

Sharpen your skills under pressure by conquering traffic surges and becoming a load balancing master! Earn a Google Cloud Credential along the way, even if you have no prior experience.

Level 2: Kubernetes

Embrace the future of software development with Kubernetes! This crucial open-source platform empowers efficient resource utilization and scalability. Level up by acquiring this sought-after skill and earning a valuable Arcade Point!


Level 3: GenAIus Tech

Join the ranks of highly sought-after Gen AI experts! Master core concepts, prepare for the future, and earn a Google Cloud Gen Ai Credential, even with no prior experience!

Trivia March! 

Flaunt your cloud knowledge and secure 4 Arcade Points this month! Answer trivia questions throughout March to bolster your Arcade Points Bank.

The Arcade Lights are on! Don't wait, level up now and give yourself a chance to snag some epic swag along the way.

See you in the Cloud!

P.S. March is going to be colorful! 😛

9 9 1,095

Reveal "Standard Milestone" rewards at least!

March challenges are not available yet. I am still seeing February challenges


We know March is going to be colourful we are going to celebrate Holi 😇

The "Arcade Hero: Enter the Outbound Firewall" lab is required for level 3 but does not work.

Same problem here, currently not possible to complete Level 3.

Hi. I have the same problem. Unfortunately lab "Arcade Hero: Enter the Outbound Firewall" is not possible to start. That's why it's possible to make only 7 labs, but 8 labs are required. 

yeah that lab is having issues I think they should mark it as optional

Hey Google, why not post activity progress on the ARCADE home page? In each level symbol there is a ring with the percentage of progress made in the laboratories already made. This would give an overview of each level we are working on... Good idea, right?

The lab essential for reaching level 3, titled "Arcade Hero: Enter the Outbound Firewall," is dysfunctional.

Top Labels in this Space