Git lock error

We have a looker-hosted instance and noticed that Looker's Production Mode doesn't match the master branch of our Git repository.

We tried to sync Looker's production branch to the repository's master branch by using a deploy webhook but received this error:

"JGIT Checkout Branch failed: Cannot lock /looker_data/modelshare/models/<project>/.git/index. Ensure that no other process has an open file handle on the lock file /looker_data/modelshare/models/<project>/.git/index.lock, then you may delete the lock file and retry."

Any ideas of how can we solve this problem?

0 8 2,076

Any news here? We’ve the same problem since 3 days ago


Same issue

Hey, same problem here. Any update/solution on this?

Not sure why it happened,

To resolve can you try below steps
1. Can you try reset the git connection in Looker
2) Delete the lock file manually
3) Make sure you are not in 'Advanced Deploy Mode'

this solution worked !

We are facing the same issue, tried resetting the git connection and I can't see any lock file in the particular project folder. any other solutions to try here?

@pvnkmr188  Lock file not on the Project folder. Its should be in the server. Please check with your looker admin/Service provider. 

@dhanapal_nagara I logged into the server itself  and tried to look into the folder  /looker_data/modelshare/models/<project>/.git, but couldn't able to find the lock file. Is there any other location you suggest?

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