SOAR Condition - Contains

Does this command only work on array type input? or can it also check if a substring exists within a string? 

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contains used in a playbook flow condition will check if a substring exists in a string.  Hope this helps!

Hello @mokatsu,

The SOAR scripting command "Contains" can be used to check if a value exists within a data structure. It's not limited to arrays but can also be used to check if a substring exists within a string. So, you can use it to check for the presence of a specific substring within a string in your SOAR scripts.

Thank you..

Thank you for the explanation, I do have a follow up question. From action input
[    ]  [contains] [     ]
does it function where the left side is the substring and the right side is the list/string?
"test" contains "Testsomething"
or  reverse, where the left side is the list/string and right side the sub string?

Can you also use regex?