Gen2 cloud function not creating complete eventarc pipeline

Hi Team,


I am trying to create Gen2 cloud fucntion using eventarc to trigger on bigquery table insert event, after creating the function its is creating underlying pipelines like pubsub topic, cloud run job etc, but not creating cloud logging sink which will send messages to pubsub topic.

Could someone please confirm if this is a bug or I am missing any permissions required to create cloud function.


Amit Dhote 

0 1 139

Hello @amitdhote,

You can refer to this documentation: Route logs to supported destinations. This document explains how to create and manage sinks to route log entries into supported destinations.

Before you begin to create and manage sinks, make sure that you have the following IAM roles:

  • Logs Configuration Write (roles/logging.configWriter)
  • Logging Admin (roles/logging.admin)
  • Owner (roles/owner)

If the above options don't work, you can contact Google Cloud Support to further look into your case. Let me know if it helped, thanks!