Using AutoML Edge object detection tflite model with MLKit

I have trained a AutoML Edge object detection model using Vertex AI. I then exported the model to a .tflite file as per the instructions.

But now when I pass that model to MLKit I get the following error:

"Unexpected number of dimensions for output index 0: got 3D, expected either 2D (BxN with B=1) or 4D (BxHxWxN with B=1, W=1, H=1)"

I understand that the model is not in the right format. But I exported it from Vertex Ai which explicitly says:

"The TensorFlow Lite (.tflite) format allows you to run your model on mobile and embedded devices."

Why does VertexAI generate a model that isn't compatible with MLKit? If it's for mobile devices which library am I supposed to use? I tried using just TensorFlowLite but it also throws the same error.


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