How to Configure NTLM Authentication for a specific API in Apigee

As one of my backend api required a Microsoft windows Authentication,So when I call the api with NTLM header, I am getting 401 response.

Response Details.

<IIS 8.5 Detailed Error - 401.2 - Unauthorized>

Could someone help me how to make a success connection with backend which is based on windows authentication.

1 6 1,147

@Dino Could you please help here.


Did you fix this error. if so please revert back. we are expereincing the same issue.




Did you find out a way to configure NTLM authentication? Please reply as we are facing same issue.



Are you using google load balancer? if so it seems that load balancer doesn't support NTML authentication, the only way i know is to use public IP on its VM.

Hi, were you able to implement NTLM Auth in Apigee?

Someone in the long distant past did this, with a Java callout. 

But, I'd advise against trying this. Why not use Azure AD (Entra ID) to get an identity token, and BOOM, problem solved?  Don't invest further in NTLM.