Duet AI with VSCode on arm64

I was wondering if the below errors are due to machine arch of arm64?
As you can see in this error "linux_amd64 language server is used while the machine is arm64:
/home/ubuntu/.cache/cloud-code/language-server-binaries/ai-companion/linux_amd64/language_server: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
Further errors:
[Error - 6:23:57 PM] Client Duet AI: connection to server is erroring. Shutting down server.
[Error - 6:23:57 PM] Stopping server failed
Error: Client is not running and can't be stopped. It's current state is: starting
at A.shutdown (/home/ubuntu/.vscode-server/extensions/googlecloudtools.cloudcode-2.2.1/dist/extension.js:8:12803431)
at A.stop (/home/ubuntu/.vscode-server/extensions/googlecloudtools.cloudcode-2.2.1/dist/extension.js:8:12803012)
at A.stop (/home/ubuntu/.vscode-server/extensions/googlecloudtools.cloudcode-2.2.1/dist/extension.js:8:12965292)
at A.handleConnectionError (/home/ubuntu/.vscode-server/extensions/googlecloudtools.cloudcode-2.2.1/dist/extension.js:8:12809519)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
[Error - 6:23:57 PM] Server initialization failed.
2 2 279

The error message "linux_amd64 language server is used while the machine is arm64" indicates that the language server is compiled for the x86_64 (amd64) architecture, while the machine it is running on is an ARM64 (arm64) architecture. This mismatch can cause issues during execution, as the language server may not be compatible with the ARM64 instruction set.

Look for a version of the language server binary that is specifically built for ARM64 architecture


Thanks, I already got that...But where and how to look for a language server binary?!