Using DNS authenticated SSL certificates with GKE ingress

I have a number of public facing websites hosted in GKE. Up to now I've been using Load Balancer generated Google managed SSL certificates by creating 

ManagedCertificate kubernetes objects to describe the certificate, then adding these to the Ingress with the annotation, pointing DNS for my domain to the Load Balancer IP (described here: and waiting for the LB to validate the domain.
It works, but the drawback is that it can take a while to produce the cert and there's downtime whilst migrating sites. For me a better solution is DNS authorised certs, which I can create with Certificate Manager, as described here: The problem is that so far as I can see you can't reference in the Ingress and have to assign the certificate to a certificate map, which you then assign to a target proxy that the load balancer uses. I understand from the note here ( that Ingress controllers can overwrite Load Balancer properties, so I assume the target proxy could be recreated or something else unexpected could happen and I lose the cert. I've tried it and it works initially, but then I get syncing errors with the load balancer from the Ingress controller when I make a change, which I assume is a symptom of this. 
It feels like I must be missing something here - any ideas welcome. Thanks in advance. 
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Are you open to using GKE Gateway API instead?  It supports Certificate Maps.

I keep finding myself in between Ingress and Gateway; Gateway doesn't support Cloud CDN, and Ingress now doesn't support certificate manager? Any timeline on when Gateway is going to be feature complete? Or is support for certificate manager certificates in Ingress planned?

Agree with that, I'm finding this too and didn't find that.

 ->  append: as a result that GCP not support this :

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