Cannot create calendar events with service account

I've created a service account and enabled the Google Calendar API so that I can create and edit calendar events from my web app. I have also added the service account email to the calendar I wish to edit. But when adding the email, it does not give me the option to allow event editing:


I am the sole owner of this business account so I should have all admin abilities but I cannot see any way to enable that "Make changes to events" option. And as a result, here is the error I get from the Google API when trying to create an event in the calendar:

"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "calendar",
"reason": "requiredAccessLevel",
"message": "You need to have writer access to this calendar."
"code": 403,
"message": "You need to have writer access to this calendar."

What could be the problem? How would I fix this so that I can create events using my service account?

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Ok, nevermind, I found the docs on how to do it somehow:

I saw your reply that said you had found how to fix this issue but the link you referenced doesn't seem to be relevant. How did you fix this issue? I've been searching but can't seem to find a good fix.

I'm using the Google Calendar API. I get the auth token from Google and when I try and create an event, I get the 403 Failed to create an event error. I can't give the service account "Make changes to events" permission because it's grayed out.

Any help would be appreciated. Thx!