Need help on Application integration CostGuard

Hi Google,

I'm working on Google Application Integration service and referred @AldoMeneses86 Application Integration CostGuard Blog and youtube video. 
Blog -
Vedio -

I implemented same Application Integration but I failed to give some parameters.
Error : Multiple entries with same key: connector_input=json_value: "\"projects/q-gcp-01678-qdatalake-23-10/locations/us-central1/connections/workdayuscentral1\"" and connector_input=string_value: "false"

Team can anyone provide solution?  Please reach out here. Thanks in Advance

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Hi @purna05 

looks like your integration is calling the workflow "costloop" with trigger ID "api_trigger/suspend-connectors" with two request parameters with name "connector_input". You can have only one entry with a key.

One value being passed for "connector_input" is 

string_value: "false"

and other value is 

proto_value {
        type_url: ""
        value: "\032Xprojects/q-gcp-01678-qdatalake-23-10/locations/us-central1/connections/workdayuscentral1"

View solution in original post


Hi @purna05 

looks like your integration is calling the workflow "costloop" with trigger ID "api_trigger/suspend-connectors" with two request parameters with name "connector_input". You can have only one entry with a key.

One value being passed for "connector_input" is 

string_value: "false"

and other value is 

proto_value {
        type_url: ""
        value: "\032Xprojects/q-gcp-01678-qdatalake-23-10/locations/us-central1/connections/workdayuscentral1"

Hi @tejeshraut 

Issue got resolved. Thanks for support.

i want to discuss another requirement currently I'm scheduling auto suspension and resume the integration connector. so scheduling Resume is good but instead of scheduling auto suspend I want to know any possibility to check once all worker nodes are relax (worker nodes complete data ingestion) then automatically it need to suspend the integration connector. is this possible ?




Hi @purna05 ,

Connection nodes are provisioned when you create a connection. A connection node is a unit (or replica) of a connection (with a Google service or third-party application) that processes transactions. Integration Connectors exposes the node count for a connection in Cloud Metrics.

You can use the Update connection REST API to suspend/resume the connection.


Hi @gowthamnagarajn,

can we have a call to solve this issue? I'm very new to this Integration connector and Application Integration. This will help my project very much. I appreciate you response. Thanks